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Post by Cltighe »

In today's reading, I thought it was interesting and didn't remember that during the plague of darkness, God made it dark for 3 days.
I also found it interesting that it says they were in Egypt for 430 years "to the very day".
And of course, what Tom already pointed out, the massive number of people, 600,000 men not including women and children. I can't even picture this. So amazing.
I just wanted to point out things that caught my attention this time around :)
Tom Tighe
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Re: Exodus

Post by Tom Tighe »

I have a new way to try to envision the size of the Exodus. The number of Hebrews was greater than all the people at all NFL games on any given Sunday during the regular season. Maybe that's more confusing, but it helps me.
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Signs in Exodus

Post by PaulK »

It gets even more interesting when you look at the plagues as a "type" or sign of Christ's suffering. For example, 3 days of darkness might point to the 3 days Christ was dead. Water turning to blood might point to the water and blood that came from Christ's side. And of course, the death of the firstborn might have something to do with the death of God's firstborn.

Another Bible theme I've been thinking about recently is the idea of "east". In church architecture, the direction of the altar is called the "liturgical east" (regardless of what compass direction the church actually faces). This seems to reflect a recurring pattern in the Bible where God comes from the east, both in judgement and mercy. Notice how the locusts come from an "east wind", and also the Red Sea is divided by an "east wind". Later, in the wilderness narrative, the east side of the camp is the place given to the tribe of Judah (which is the tribe the Messiah is promised to come from). The people finally enter the promised land from the east when they cross the Jordan. This pattern continues in other Old Testament books (especially Ezekiel) and in a few places in the New Testament. Some Christians believe that Christ's second coming will be from the east.

Anyway, I think it's a pretty neat idea, although I'm not sure exactly what it means. Let me know what you think.
Tom Tighe
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Re: Exodus

Post by Tom Tighe »

That is interesting, Paul. There are so many layers in the Bible. I'm always torn between seeing new revelations and thinking I'm reading too much into the simple story. I think if it points to Christ, it probably correct.

I also noticed today that 70 elders ate with God in Exodus 22:9-11. Also notice in this that God's throne room has a clear blue (sapphire) floor. We will here about that almost every time a person glimpses God on His throne.
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